Friday, August 9, 2013

After Effects World Conference

Seattle, Wa is the place to be on September 27th-29th because some of the After Effects top gurus will be there and giving some of their secrets away at the After Effects World Conference sponsored by Adobe.  Here is how it's described on the site...
Come to Learn, Leave InspiredAfter Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. It’s a feature-rich program, and now, even includes a new 3D pipeline with Cinema 4D.
After Effects World Conference takes a deep dive into the capabilities and inspired possibilities of this robust software, to improve your proficiency.
Distinct skill tracks designed for the motion graphics and VFX professional, as well as the professional editor just getting started with After Effects.

Great speakers and workshops by industry leading vfx artists such as John Dickinson, Eran Stern, and Mark Christiansen.  So if you are anywhere near Seattle, can get there, or better yet, your employer can get  you there, this would be a one of a kind experience and I can't imagine the ways in which this could improve your skills.

Check it Out! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

After Effects CS6 Ray Trace 3d Title Tutorial

One of the new features of After Effects CS6 is the new ray trace 3d mode which brings some basic 3d effects to what is essentially a 2d program.  Previously you needed to use a 3d program such as Cinema 4d or Video Copilot's Element 3d but the recent version of After Effects changes that.  Layers magazine has a new tutorial by Daniel Bryant that goes through a basic title animation using the new 3d mode.   This a great chance to get your feet wet with 3d in After Effects and if you don't have CS6 it will give you a glimpse of whether the update is worth it.   So head over here for the tutorial and projects files available for you to follow along.

Friday, August 2, 2013

After Effects Free Text Presets

I'm always working to streamline my workflow in After Effects and one the best ways to help when creating lower thirds or text based presentations is to use text presets.  Harry Frank has some great free text presets that you can get from his Gray Machine blog.  These are helpful and incorporate a lot of useful expressions but if you don't want to bother with dealing with the expressions you don't have to with these presets because they are basically drag and drop.  Harry also does a video explaining what each preset does and how to avoid any problems.  Although these are a few years old, they are still very useful.

Custom Presets After Effects